Apache Spark vs Apache Flink - Which Distributed Processing Engine is More Efficient?

January 18, 2022

Apache Spark vs Apache Flink - Which Distributed Processing Engine is More Efficient?

Distributed processing engines are essential for performing big data processing tasks. These engines are responsible for processing large volumes of data, distributed across a cluster of nodes, in parallel. Apache Spark and Apache Flink are two such distributed processing engines, and they have gained immense popularity over the years. In this blog post, we will compare Apache Spark and Apache Flink based on their efficiency as distributed processing engines.

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is an open-source, in-memory distributed processing engine that is best suited for large-scale data processing tasks. It was developed at UC Berkeley's AMP Lab in 2009, and since then, it has become one of the most popular distributed processing engines. The main feature of Spark is its ability to process data in-memory, which makes it significantly faster than traditional disk-based processing systems.

Spark provides a rich set of libraries, including Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib, and GraphX. These libraries make it easy to perform tasks such as data analysis, machine learning, and graph processing. Spark's biggest strength is its ability to store data in-memory, which enables real-time data processing.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is an open-source, distributed processing engine designed for batch, streaming, and graph processing. Its primary focus is on low-latency, high-throughput stream processing. Flink was initially developed at the Technical University of Berlin in 2010 and became an Apache Software Foundation project in 2014.

Flink's runtime engine is designed to be modular and versatile, allowing it to work seamlessly across various data sources and types. Flink offers several APIs, including a DataStream API, a DataSet API, and a Table API, each suited to different processing requirements.

Efficiency Comparison

Let's now compare the efficiency of Spark and Flink based on specific criteria:

Processing Speed

In terms of processing speed, Apache Spark is faster than Apache Flink. This is because Spark stores data in-memory, allowing it to access data much faster than Flink, which stores data on disk.

Memory Utilization

Apache Flink is more efficient in terms of memory utilization than Apache Spark. While Spark stores data in-memory, Flink has a more efficient memory management system that minimizes the amount of memory required for processing.

Fault Tolerance

Both Spark and Flink have fault-tolerant systems that can recover from node failures. However, Flink's system is more robust and capable of recovering from more complex failures, including whole cluster failures.


Spark has a larger ecosystem than Flink, which means that there are more libraries and tools available for Spark than Flink. This can be a significant advantage when it comes to performing specific tasks such as machine learning, where Spark's MLlib library is more mature than Flink's ML library.


Both Apache Spark and Apache Flink are excellent distributed processing engines, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the use case. Spark is faster, making it more suited for real-time data processing requirements, whereas Flink is more efficient in memory utilization and fault tolerance. Flink's versatility and robust fault tolerance system make it more suited for complex data processing requirements. To sum it up, the decision of which engine to use depends on the specific needs of the task at hand.


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